What is the Nurse Call System ?
a nursing communication and management system using IP technology that can be used for both wired and wireless connections. The features of this system make it ideal for use in hospitals, homes, supervised apartments and day centers.
How does ATICA MONITORING works ?
Low priority call
this mode calls made by patients from their rooms are answered at the control post by the healthcare team.
this mode calls made by patients from their rooms are answered at the control post by the healthcare team.
High priority call
all calls made by patients require the presence of a member of the healthcare team in the patient’s room, If no member of the nursing staff goes to the patient’s room, the room post will continue to repeat the call, If there is no answer, a call will be forwarded to a higher level.
all calls made by patients require the presence of a member of the healthcare team in the patient’s room, If no member of the nursing staff goes to the patient’s room, the room post will continue to repeat the call, If there is no answer, a call will be forwarded to a higher level.