Video Wall: Advantages and Uses
Today, commerce and business increasingly need digital visual tools that capture the customer's eye and mind, and communicate the organization's message in an attractive artistic style [...]
Photovoltaic Systems for Electricity Generating
Since the industrial revolution, the world has tended to use traditional energy sources such as fossil fuels, petroleum and natural gas. However, the increasing consumption of these re [...]
Building Management Systems (BMS)
Building Management Systems (BMS), sometimes called a Building Automation System (BAS), is a computer-based system installed to control and monitor a building’s electrical equipment su [...]
Intrinsically Safe Radio Devices
ATEX two-way radios and accessories are mandatory requirements to keep workers safe in certain environments. The ATEX approval process requires that electrical equipment such as two-wa [...]
Smart devices like phones and tablets are the most common form of push-to-talk (PTT) device today. Users install push-to-talk apps on the devices, then use a hard (physical) button or [...]
Parking Guidance Systems
With the increasing demand for car parks in every sector, ensuring all the cars are fitted effectively has become extremely important. However, there are instances when finding an empt [...]